I finally faced my challenges and became physically fit, in a natural and sustainable way. My transformation (and setbacks along the way) showed me a practical way to work towards wellness in many areas of my life, and towards balance between them.
PAPERBACK - ISBN-13: 9780228869917
HARDCOVER- ISBN-13: 9780228869924
EBOOK - ISBN-13: 9780228869931
Accidentally Well
by John Webster
An eclectic set of experiences sparked an epiphany about wellness. It was an "a-ha" moment for me. I saw a way to work towards balance between eight facets of wellness. I'm filled with optimism about the journey to come.
I’m a private person, who finds it difficult to open up about my personal life, especially my failures along the way. I’m overcoming my uneasiness and sharing my story in the hope of inspiring others to make wellness a priority and to find a way forward that works for them.
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My book gave rise to the Let’s Be Well Together podcast. We talk about concepts from the book and other wellness issues. Find us on letsbewelltogether.com or on your preferred platform.
About John
The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek "love of wisdom." John has a lively curiosity that was fostered during his days studying philosophy at university. He embraces the saying, "Never stop learning." He grew up in Waterloo, Ontario, and his studies and work as a civil litigation lawyer have taken him to wonderful Canadian cities: Montreal, Kingston, Toronto, Oakville and Campbellville. John now lives in Kitchener, Ontario. You can often find him enjoying its trail system, whether along old rail lines, through a forest or along the Grand River. He's married to Sheila and has three adult children: Jeremy, Elise and Alex. John's enjoying life even more after the experiences he writes about in his book.